Base Typography

Typography is the best way to show your content in a unique and attractive way. It makes your content visually stunning. You can add typography on your site with multiple Google & standard fonts. Using different fonts on your site make it a creative website.

For Typography, Go to Appearance > Customizer > Typography > Base Typography.

Body –

Go to Appearance > Customizer > Base Typography > Body. Choose Font family for body text. You can choose the Font Weight according to your font style. Adjust the font size, line height and letter spacing. This will applicable for overall sites body.
You can also adjust “Text Transform” set your body text as Capitalize, Uppercase, Lowercase, default or none.

Title –

Go to Appearance > Customizer > Base Typography > Title. Choose font of your title and you can also choose the Font Weight. This will set typography for overall site titles. You can also customize “Text Transform” set your title as Capitalize, Uppercase, Lowercase, default or none.

Content –

Go to Appearance > Customizer > Base Typography > Content. This will set the overall typography of single page form heading H1 to H6.

  • Heading (H1) – Best Suited for all h1 headings like page title, product title. Choose font family, Font weight and adjust the font size, line height & letter spacing.
  • Heading (H2) – Best Suited for h2 headings. Choose font family, font weight and adjust the font size, line height & letter spacing.
  • Heading (H3) – Best Suited for h3 headings. Choose font family, font weight and adjust the font size, line height & letter spacing.
  • Heading 4 (H4) – Best Suited for h4 headings. Choose font family, font weight and adjust the font size, line height & letter spacing.
  • Heading 5 (H5) – Best Suited for h5 headings. Choose font family, font weight and adjust the font size, line height & letter spacing.
  • Heading 6 (H6) – Best Suited for h6 headings. Choose font family, font weight and adjust the font size, line height & letter spacing.


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