Container Spacing Pro Feature

This feature allows you to add desired space outside and inside area of container and manage the padding & margin in content area of container..

Space Outside Container

For this setting Navigate to Appearance > Customizer > Layout > Container > Space Outside Container You can manage the Outside space around the container.

Space Inside Container

For this setting Navigate to Appearance > Customizer > Layout > Container > Space Inside Container You can manage the Inside space around the container. Just put the value in the text box and manage the inside space.


For Boxed Container Layout –

In boxed container layout the outside space will be applied as the margin to the container. Space value in top will allow you to manage space between header and container’s top edge. While the space value in bottom will allow you to manage space between footer and container’s bottom edge. You can also add value for left and right margin.
Inside space will be applied as the padding to the container. You can manage space between page/post content and the container edges.

space-in-boxed-container (1)

For Content Boxed Container Layout –

In content boxed container the outside space will be applied as the margin for the container. Space value in top will allow you to manage space between header and container’s top edge. While the space value in bottom will allow you to manage space between footer and container’s bottom edge. You can also add value for left and right margin.
Inside space will be applied as the padding to the container. You can manage space between page/post content and the container edges.


For Full width/ Contained Container Layout –

In Full width/ Contained the outside space will be applied as the margin for the container.

For this layout Inside space will not applied because in this layout the content is already stretched to the container’s edges of the browser.

For Full width/ Stretched Container Layout –

In Full Width / Stretched Layout, the Outside Container and Inside Container space will not be applied, as the container along with the content is already stretched to the edge to edge of the browser.

Note: If you have enabled the sidebar, you can manage the spacing from Appearance > Customize > Layout > Sidebar.